Photo by Kristina Paukshtite from Pexels

Clean your whole life with it!!!

If you are cursed for life like I am (but really it is a blessing in disguise, (what we keep telling ourselves to feel closest to normal)), you have sensitive skin or eczema or just easily prone to allergies then let me introduce you to your new BFF!



Most of you might know this already if you are born with this condition and sensitivity but at an alarming rate, I’ve met people who recently seem to develop allergies and sensitivities that they’ve never encountered before. Now this is just my evaluation and not based on any scientific research but if you have been using high contents of chemical on your skin from make-up, even through your skin care ritual, then yes, your skin has called it quits on you!


Don’t freak out tho, this is actually a good thing. Our bodies are design to signal us when things are going wrong. The worst thing you could do is to ignore the signs. So if you are here reading this, then you are already on the right direction to help your body heal itself.

Our Body’s Like Really Cool Guys! We forget to give it credit sometimes…

So here’s what you can use vinegar with as part of your beauty routine and everyday life…


You can clean the whole house with Vinegar. Mix it water about ¼ and you can mop and wipe everything!!! The only thing is the smell so what you can do is add lemon to it and it’ll smell much better. Of course, this is not for super heavy dirt, it’s best for daily cleaning.


You can clean your brushes and loofah’s with vinegar!!! Mix about 1 tablespoon of vinegar to a cup of water and let the brushes sit for 10-15 mins. Rinse and then wash with your regular face wash to clean out the left over make-up. This is the most gentle way to clean any products that might get to our face regularly. Also, you’d see how gross your loofah is after cleaning (now you can’t un-see it too #sorrynotsorry).

Adding (½ – 1 tablespoon) vinegar to (½ teaspoon) lemon juice and (1 tablespoon) honey makes up the best face mask. Some would prefer apple cider vinegar, both works the same. Apple cider gives more benefits to anti-inflammatory. You can also add baking soda for pores but beware of your own skin. If you have sensitive skin or have recent inflammation then refrain from using baking soda and decrease the amount of vinegar and lemon juice.

It is also good to drink/eat vinegar. Adding apple cider vinegar to your diet like in salads helps with digestion and reduces inflammation. You can also mix (1-2 teaspoon) it with water and drink on an empty stomach. However, from personal trial and error, I do not recommend taking too much if you already use other anti-inflammatory foods in your diet like turmeric. Listen to your body and don’t have it work too hard. Do everything in moderation but with consistency and responsibility.

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Rich Kantita aka Kantita Leangcharoenpong aka Kantita Hauchecorne (my name on french documents) aka Tita, Rich... It's a long story. Third Culture kid. Lived and was born in Germany. Lived in Thailand, Myanmar, China, the Philippines, Spain, and France. I love to talk about life because let's face it, everything is LIFE! Read more on the About page... But it would be more fun for you to find out my friends’ descriptions of me! Here goes… (I’ve got amazing friends, Thank you guys!) Art Jeffrey, Kustom Jewellery – “ClassicalRed is gonna give it to ya! Rich with attitude!” Nandini Sehgal @dinifitmind - “The epitome of the phrase ‘work hard, play hard. This girl knows how to live a balanced life, because YOLO!” @pavita.u – “A nerd when necessary, a rebellious mind at some point, a hopeless romantic person with a fear of commitment, aka. A goddamn complicated person.” Opp @opp.timist – “So sweet and spicy! – Nope, I’m not talking about my favorite dish, I’m talking about my favorite ‘Rich’!” @artsynats – “Wise, witty, and a workaholic, ClassicalRed is spicy chic in real life. She’s not only my best friend but also my trusted lifestyle consultant.” Prim @omgitsprim - “In today's world where everything is muddled with superfluous bullshit and fake compliments, rich (or classicalred, you choose) will give you that dose of much-needed bluntness and honesty. Like when you're not sure if the jeans you have on look fat on you, she'll tell you they do.”


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