Are You Bad at Relationships?

Love is the most confusing thing that we can never really understand. It is extremely overrated but it has also lived in so many...

Be Careful of the Choices You Make

Be careful of the choices you make because you will have to live with it forever. Don’t let the fear of the future change...

How to Stop Dating Bad Men?

Don’t ignore red flags. There’s a reason why those red flags come up so soon in getting to know someone and although some flaws aren’t...

You can’t fix Eczema, you can only contain it!

Eczema is actually such a broad term. I think doctors these days throw you into the bracket as soon as they cannot identify the...

Fake Confidence

Our world today looks and feel more and more like a theater. Everyone is acting like they are celebrities strutting around town, showing off...

Being alone vs. Being Lonely

Lots of people are suffering from one of the most serious epidemic called FOMO that leads to extreme loneliness and depression. Here’s how to...

Let’s Turn 30!

There are too many hype around the idea of teenagers coming of age stories. How to adjust life in university, how to start becoming...

Can People Change?

The idea that people can't change is a false ideology. People CAN change. It might not take a day or two. It probably would...

When Life Gives You Vinegar…

Clean your whole life with it!!! If you are cursed for life like I am (but really it is a blessing in disguise, (what we...

How to Deal with Bad Situations?

It’s never easy to compose yourself when your emotions are in turbulence. Anger and pain is the worst combination of them all. But let’s...